The Illuminati masters and servants
wish they could make a hypnotic world,
a Global World order
with one Government and
one Illuminated leader.
They want to indoctrinate us – of humankinds,
and to make us think differently,
that the Globe we live on is round,
but no, it isn’t – it’s flat,
that we have one sun
and a lifeless moon.
But, on the contrary,
there are two life-giving suns –
a black one and a white one.
In Chinese it would be:
Yin and Yang.
We surely don’t origin from the apes,
as we are doctrined to believe,
but we are a noble race
from the dragon-like planet X,
whose ancestors and forefathers
came down to Earth
as Falling Angels.
Our World is our mother,
another home we don’t have.
Our Master will soon appear
from the Dead
and bring love and peace
to our homes.
Our life-long enemies
will be brought beyond the firmament
and to eternal dark Hell,
since they haven’t deserved
any better choice or option in life.
Heil Earth!
drac Ljubomir T. Dević Kosarić-Lijović Vajmeš-Kastriota